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『 第1話 』 入学

シンジくんは、アメリカとカナダをまたにかけて起業家として大成功する大志をもって、カナダ西海岸のバンクーバーにあるWestern Language Schoolに入学した。英語をマスターしなければ夢は実現しない。取ったコースは集中英会話で、担当教師の名前はデイビッド。学校での初日、クラスが終わった後で、デイビッドがシンジくんに声をかけてきた。







学校は、気に入りました。 明日からは頑張ります。

デイビッドとの会話を何とかこなして胸をなでおろしたとき、背中をポンとたたかれ、振り返るとヒロミちゃんが立っていた。 シンジくんよりも一ヶ月早く入学したヒロミちゃんは年上で、英語もずっとうまい。




Shinji came to Canada with the ambition of becoming a successful entrepreneur in North America. First, he got into the “Western Language School” in Vancouver to learn English. He knew his dream wouldn’t come true if he couldn’t speak the language. Then he signed up for an intensive English course taught by a professor named ‘David’.

After class on the first day of school, David approaches Shinji to speak with him:

You’re Shinji, aren't you? How do you like our school? It’s much more casual compared to schools in Japan, isn't it? By the way, our Japanese counselor received a message your mother left for you. She said she would like to know about the class in detail. She is very interested in your education, isn't she?

Shinji's heart-beat quickens. He didn't do very poorly in English class in high school but he has never spoken English in a real-life situation. David kindly speaks to him very slowly. Shinji somehow manages to understand what David is saying, composes a response by carefully translating in his head, and replies to David with great effort.

Thank you for taking the message. My mother worries about me; I promised to give her a report on school.

David continues to talk to Shinji with a smile:

You don't need to be so uptight. Teachers and students talk to each other casually here. By the way, is your Dad very interested in your education as well?

Shinji recalls his stubborn father’s face. His father never accepted Shinji's refusal to succeed their family business, sake making. He also opposed Shinji’s decision to leave Japan. He did not even come to see Shinji off at Narita airport. Shinji’s mother, 15 years younger than his father, wanted Shinji to find a job at a major corporation rather than succeeding the family business. She constantly judges Shinji for not going to university. Thinking about his parents and feeling depressed, Shinji says:

I don't want to talk about my family, I'm sorry. I like this school. I will work hard from tomorrow.

Just as Shinji somehow manages to finish his conversation with David, and is feeling relieved, somebody taps him on his shoulder. Turning around Shinji finds Hiromi standing there. Hiromi began studying at the “Western Language School” a month ago. She is older than Shinji and speaks much better English than him.

Seeing Hiromi, David says to her:

I have good news for you, Hiromi. The accounting firm you sent your resume to has accepted you as an intern.

Hiromi smiles and thanks David. Though he knows he ought to be happy for Hiromi, Shinji notices a sparkle in her eye has momentarily lost its shine. (to be continued.)

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