My Canada
My Canada

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『 第2話 』 苦い思い出




カナダの会計会社でインターンシップなんてすごいじゃないですか。 でも、あまりうれしそうじゃないですね。


短大を卒業して日本で就職が決まったときのことを思い出したのよ。 うれしいはずなのに、なぜか本気で喜べなかったの。 あのときは、気がつかなかったけど、今その原因に気がついたのよ。 本当にやりたい事がないままに就職したことを、本能的に感じていたのね。 今回も同じだわ。こんなことがないように自分探しをするのが目標だったのに・・・。








After graduating from a 2 year college program in Ochanomizu in Tokyo, Hiromi found a job in the general affairs department of a major trading firm.
8 years passed by quickly. Before she knew it she was a veteran staff member that new comers were turning to for help.
Now, every day is dull routine. There is a never-ending supply of male staff members asking her out, but she hasn’t been attracted to any of them yet.

Noticing Hiromi looking a bit down, Shinji speaks to her, dictionary in-hand. Because of the English only policy of the school, the two native-Japanese speakers must communicate in their second language:

It's great that you can work as an intern in a Canadian accounting firm, but you don't seem very happy.

Hiromi replies, her eyes focused on some spot in the distance.

I was thinking about when I landed a job in Japan. I was supposed to be happy but I couldn't feel happy from my heart. I didn't know why then, but I just realized now the reason why I felt so.
I must have known instinctively that I started my career without knowing what I really want to do. It's the same this time again. My goal was to search my soul so that I wouldn't make the same mistake, but.....

A little while later, Hiromi arrives home at her apartment and finds her room-mate Steve. Steve always ensures that he’s available for Hiromi when she needs him.

Steve, can I ask you some personal questions? Did you become a sales person with future goals in your mind? Or was it the course of events that led you to work as a sales person?

Steve pauses in the midst of stirring spaghetti sauce, and says,

Well, if you’re asking if I had a future goal in mind, I don't think I did. I don't dislike my job but a job is just a job. The most important thing to me in life is…life.

As Hiromi begins to ask Steve more questions, her cell phone rings. It’s Shinji.

I had an argument with my home stay mother and I was told to move out! Could you help me!?.

Hiromi can't say no when somebody asks for help so, imagining Shinji's worried face, she leaves her apartment and hurries to his house. (to be continued)

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