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『 第6話 』 夕食の誘い













When Shinji enters the living room Michael smiles, offers him a chair, and says:

We are talking about women’s issues in the world. If you know about women’s issues in Japan, would you mind telling us?

Christine waits until Michael finishes speaking to Shinji then says:

I was always very interested in Japan. I became more interested in Japanese culture after I read Inazo Nitobe’s Bushido. It said women also lived in Bushido if they were born the child of a Samurai. Are women still expected to be a faithful aid to their husbands in Japan? Are there ‘gender-free’ movements in Japan?

After asking these questions, Christine gazes at Shinji with her charming green eyes. Michael is sitting on the sofa with his back straight. Jimmy is keeping silent, and is in a kind of sly mood. Surrounded by these three people, Shinji begins to sweat like a fountain. He knows he can’t allow himself to shrink up after hearing the word ‘Bushido’ or he will lose face. Feeling like representing Japan, Shinji starts speaking with broken English.

My ancestors were Samurai. My grandfather’s grandfather wore a sword on his waist. My father speaks of Bushido often. Oh, yes, and there are gender-free movements in Japan. My friend Hiromi, who is visiting Vancouver now, talks about gender-free movements, as well.

Christine becomes more interested. She usually doesn’t like to exchange ideas with new people but she is definitely acting different today. Christine says:

I’d like to see Hiromi and listen to her. I’d like to hear more from Shinji about Bushido, too. How about a dinner to mark our acquaintance? It’s my treat. Is Friday this week good for you? Can you come too, Jimmy?

Jimmy feels a bit relieved since he is included in the invitation. However, noticing Christine’s lively expressions on her face, uneasiness extends like a dark cloud in his heart. Christine usually doesn’t show such lively expressions to him. Hiding his uneasiness, Jimmy says:

I will buy you dinner. It’s the gentleman’s role (dry laugh). How about steak? Let’s go to the steak house DEN.

The moment Shinji hears DEN, his face becomes red.
To be continued.

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