My Canada
My Canada

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『 第10話 』 ヒロミちゃん、さらに驚く!















Steve, is it common in Canada for people to decide not to get married, marry the same sex, or choose to be single parents?

Despite this abrupt question Steve shows no signs of surprise and responds kindly, as usual.

It’s common in Canada. Those are natural options for people looking for more freedom in relationships, although we still face many obstacles.

Hiromi feels strange hearing Steve say, “He faces obstacles”. She says, jokingly:

I never knew you had obstacles. I’m curious to know what they are.

Steve replies, looking a bit sad.

We are planning to get married. My parents gave us their blessing, but some of my relatives still openly make nasty remarks. By the way, my boyfriend hasn’t seen you yet. I’ll introduce him to you someday.

Hiromi thinks: “what? Did Steve just say ‘my boyfriend’? Now I know: Steve is gay!”
Steve talks as though Hiromi already knows about this. Hiromi tries very hard to hide her awkwardness, though she can feel the blood pumping behind her ears from embarrassment. She looks into his eyes, and speaks to him without making much sense.

Congratulations! Hold on to it! I pray for happiness for both of you!

Hiromi is embarrassed about speaking meaningless words, but she also feels strangely closer then ever to Steve. She realizes that a new sense of values, which does not exist in Japan, certainly exists in Canada.

Feeling the heat on her cheeks, Hiromi goes back to her room and thinks about Christine’s angry reaction when she heard about female workers serving tea, and the work-place in Japan that never gave Hiromi a chance at a promotion.

That’s right; I got a chance to work in a Canadian company as an intern. I will try my best. I left Japan for this…

The company hiring Hiromi as an intern is the leading accounting firm in downtown Vancouver. Next monday she will go to work for the first time.
Hiromi begins to feel somewhat inspired.
(To be continued)

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