My Canada
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『 第15話 』 絶対に許しません!!











これからはもう、両親に助けを求めることはできない。銀行口座にあるお金は、あと数ヶ月で底をつく。身内のない外国で、経済的にひとり立ちする必要を感じたとき、冷え冷えとした凄みのあるプレッシャーが、シンジ君の肩の上にズシンとのしかかった。 軽いめまいを感じながら、シンジ君は心の中でつぶやいた。「今度こそ、肝をすえてデイビッドに相談しよう」

Shinji came to Canada leaving behind his mother, who is angry he didn’t proceed to university in Japan, and his father, who is angry at him for not succeeding the family business. It seems to Shinji that his mother has already talked to David about this. Shinji prefers not to contact his parents but he can’t stop communicating with them as he receives living expenses from them. Feeling gloomy, Shinji telephones his parents in Japan.

After the sound of the good old Japanese ring, his mother answers the phone and her shrill voice pierces Shinji’s eardrums.

Hello, this is Takada. Oh, is it you, Shinji! ? Why didn’t you call us sooner? Your father is upset about it, too. By the way, when are you coming home? You understand that the longer you fiddle around in a place like Canada, the uglier your future gets, don’t you? It’s not too late, yet. Come back soon and go to university! How shameful it is that Takada’s heir is only a high-school graduate. I can’t walk in public any more.

Fighting a headache and pain in his ears, Shinji says to himself: “I can’t back down, now.” Choosing his words carefully, Shinji speaks with a groan:

I won’t go to university and I won’t go back to Japan for the time-being, either. I plan to start a company in Canada or America. Please give my regards to father. (His voice falters a bit).

Without letting Shinji finish, his mother takes over. She raises her voice from a shriek to a scream:

Wh-What the…? Company you say? What company!? What do you think a high school graduate like you could do? What do you mean by giving your regards to your father? You say you won’t come back to Japan. I will not approve of that!! No, No, never!!

Shinji waits until his mother is out of breath. He says good-bye and hangs up. He knows he can’t turn back now.

Shinji recieves a letter from his father one week after he speaks to his mother. His letter is concise and brief.
He feels his father breathing in every letter he wrote with a ballpoint pen. The letter says, “I understood your plan. Look after yourself from now on.”

Shinji’s worries are now a reality.
He can’t ask his parents for help anymore, and his bank account will run out in a few months. As he realizes that he has to live on his own in a foreign country where he doesn’t have any relatives, he feels a dreadful pressure landing heavily on his shoulders with a thump.

Feeling slightly dizzy, Shinji mutters to himself: “I have to gather myself together now, and ask David for his advice.”
(To be continued)

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